Sunday, May 17, 2015


Here is a much needed update!

I am in the editing stages with Star Cursed Audible and will have it ready for summer!

My editor has Enslavement: First book in the Land Magic Saga  (YA Fantasy) and will have it done at the end of May. Yay. June will be editing month for me for sure! My cover designer has already started on the cover. Eeep! Design by Katt you are amazing!

My last day working of my wonderful Charter school as their teacher's aide/PE instructor will be June 12. After that I will be a stay at home mom and writer with my new little baby coming the end of August!

I also have ambitions to get an author website up and running to give you all more information on my projects and events happening.

Thanks for being my Fans!

You are all amazing and patient with me as I get my writing career back in order:-)

Happy Readings!

Ashley Lavering